Sunday, April 25, 2010

Something to do on a Rainy Sunday

Other than watch the NHL playoffs, of course. And if it's not raining where you're reading this, then understand that all news is required to be New York-centric, all the time.

I've long held the belief that anything, and I mean anything, is funny when set to Yakety Sax -- better known as that music from the Benny Hill Show. You know, like frightening scenes from horror movies:

So if you're bored and looking for something to do before tonight's Breaking Bad, here's your chance to scour YouTube for a video that would be made better/entirely inappropriate with the addition of this music. Send your ideas along (either in the comments or in an email) -- I'll take the best ones, do the necessary editing, and if they turn out well, I'll post 'em. Plus, if I use your video, you'll win a Couchwarmers prize pack.* Good luck.

*Does not exist

1 comment:

  1. Remember the Titans. Right when Gary gets hit by the car.
